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Daniala Gregis (1959 - )


Born 1959 in Italy. One of the most remarkable women in the world today, beyond the field of fashion, for her craft-like ideas and style of making things that are not influenced by fashion trends. The worldview she creates is different from the characteristic flamboyance, as if clothes were related to the flaunting of wealth. What Gregis proposes is a style that is somehow country, yet deeply rooted in modern, cutting-edge fashion, and it is in these elements - cuts, overlaps, asymmetry, the balance between large and angular shapes - that her willingness to experiment and research new styles is evident.


1959 Born Fiobbio, Bergamo, Italy.

1997 Opened shop in Piazza Vacchia, Bergamo.

1999 First collection launched.

2010 Opens a 'theme shop' in Paris, where she decides on a theme and changes it each time.

   vol.30 'Advent skirt' Gallery NAO MASAKI

2013 vol.65 'the 22 things in the daily life' Gallery NAO MASAKI

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