Hiroto Nakanishi
Carving a tree and pulling it out with a potter's wheel is also an act of looking inside and finding it.
To imitate the power of trees into a different form.
Guided by the modeling of each of the trees that I picked up, the shape of the Midwestern people, who are entrusted to the annual rings, scratches, knots, headlines, and headings created by the overlapping dates.
Nao Masaki
To whittle wood and shape it with a lathe is an act of exploring inside each piece of timber to discover its true essence. Through this process, it seems as if the spirit of the wood is transformed into an entirely new form.
Inspired by the individuality of each piece of wood and trusting its maturity, Hiroto Nakanishi visualizes how the wood should be carved in the wood's rings, scars, and burls, and with this in mind he creates his uniquely shaped pieces.
Hiroto Nakanishi
Born in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, lives in northern Shiga Prefecture. Learned woodworking and started making furniture. Opened a workshop in 2008 and continued to work by looking at the materials. Moved to Shiga prefecture in the fall of 2011.
<Solo exhibition>
2014 "That figure"
<Special Exhibition>
2012 "Face KATACHI"
2013 "something new, with feel art 10"